The 2023 Dutch parliamentary elections are just around the corner. Therefore, it’s essential to know where political parties stand when it comes to addressing anti-Asian racism. Which political parties have explicitly included anti-Asian racism in their election manifesto? Asian Raisins’ Action Team has investigated this for you and compiled the positions of each party! Read the perspectives of all participating political parties. Let’s work together towards a more inclusive society where racism has no place.
For GroenLinks-PvdA (Green Left-Labour Party partnership), addressing anti-Asian racism is a separate programme item, advocating for the inclusion of anti-Asian racism in anti-discrimination policies and research on racism in the Netherlands. Attention is also drawn to employment discrimination, the specific healthcare needs of Asian Dutch people and combating harmful stereotypes and racism in the media. As for education, their focus is on inclusive teaching materials and a safe learning environment.
The PvdD (Party for the Animals) includes government action against anti-Asian racism as part of a paragraph on anti-discrimination in general. Their election programme emphasises training and awareness. Labour and housing market discrimination are tackled in the broadest sense with clear legislation, information and vigorous enforcement.
Volt (Volt Europa) pays specific attention to anti-Asian racism, together with anti-Black racism, in their election manifesto by focusing on raising awareness in schools regarding racism in children’s songs, stories and other teaching materials used by schools.
DENK (Political Movement Think) includes combating anti-Asian racism as part of a general paragraph about intensifying the fight against discrimination and racism, including institutional racism within the government.
BIJ1 (Together) provides legal definitions of various forms of racism, including anti-Asian racism. In addition, an independent reporting centre will be established by the National Coordinator against Discrimination and Racism (NCDR). Reports will be discussed in the consultative body consisting of the mayor, police and public prosecutor.
* Even though these parties included anti-racism in their manifestos, they don’t mention anything concrete and useful. Besides that, these policies are undermined by other (indirect) racist policies. For example, on migration.
The VVD (People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy) has only included racism as a security and crime issue. They advocate for strict legal action against any form of discrimination and racism. No mention of anti-Asian racism.
According to D66 (Democrats 1966), racism and discrimination must be combated on all fronts, from education to sports. They focus on severe penalties for overt discrimination and on raising awareness, self-reflection and dialogue. Equal rights under the law, as well as protection by the law. No mention of anti-Asian racism.
SP (Socialist Party) only considers racism to be a problem within the sports world and the police. No mention of anti-Asian racism.
ChristenUnie (Christian Union) believes that racism in the job and housing markets, in education, sports and healthcare and by the government and police should be combated through a coalition against racism. The responsibility for this lies with the community. No mention of anti-Asian racism.
BBB (Farmer–Citizen Movement) describes the inadmissibility and criminality of racism and discrimination as self-evident. People should be treated equally and personal characteristics are irrelevant. There are no clear ideas about addressing racism and discrimination. No mention of anti-Asian racism.
CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal), SGP (Reformed Political Party), NSC (New Social Contract) and 50+ (50PLUS) have not included mention of racism in their election manifestos. Racism, including anti-Asian racism, is not recognized as a societal problem. As a result, the problem cannot effectively be tackled and will continue to grow.
PVV (Party for Freedom), JA21 (Correct Answer 2021), and FVD (Forum for Democracy) not only deny the social problem of (anti-Asian) racism, but actively adopt racist and xenophobic positions. These stances contribute to fostering racist and xenophobic ideas in society, leading to increased discrimination, exclusion, hatred and violence against people of colour and other marginalised groups.
Now that you know which political parties did and did not explicitly include anti-Asian racism in their election manifestos, you can better decide which party aligns with your values on all the issues that are important to you.
We recommend that you vote for a party with an intersectional vision of equality, justice, solidarity and equal opportunities for a fair and sustainable world. Only then will we get closer to a representative, inclusive and racism-free society where everyone, including East and Southeast Asian people, is seen and treated as a full-fledged human being.
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