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When the people in power do not understand the racist nature of ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’, it is difficult to get it banned from schools. That is why we need as much support from others as we can get, and thus also yours!

Read below how you can support our campaign and how you help us with your support.


From conversations within the Asian Raisins community, it seems that many East- and Southeast Asians experience ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’ as awkward and painful. Our survey confirms this.

‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’, and the gestures that go with it, teach children racism at a young age. Young children are, for example, taught by adults that racist stereotypes are acceptable.

By signing the petition, you can show your support for banning ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai and we will be one step closer to racism-free education. The more signatures, the better! With many signatures, we will be able to signify the importance of banning the teachings of this racist song in schools. We are planning to hand over the petition to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). 

Are you also going to sign the petition? Great! You can sign here. Please share the petition with your friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and followers! Your signature contributes to mapping anti-East- and Southeast Asian racism in the Netherlands.

By banning 'Hanky Panky Shanghai' we fight racism in the classroom and create a more inclusive birthday party for every child.

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sample letter

Many participants in our survey were under the impression that ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’ isn’t sung at (primary) schools anymore. This is anything but the truth.

The results from our survey showed that many people do not know how to raise their concerns about the racist nature of ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’. Asian Raisins has composed different sample letters that can be used to file a complaint about discrimination at an institution.

As such, we have composed a letter that is addressed to school boards to complain about ‘Hanky Panky Shanghai’. You can find the letter here.

SHPS Taart

stop racism in the classroom

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