Leestijd: 3 minuten Happy Mother’s day! But for those who have lost their child or mother to transnational adoption, this holiday might not be so joyful. Today, in collaboration with the ARAN Foundation and the MiGreat Foundation, we are kicking off the first part of a series about transnational adoption. Our first part focuses on the colonial origins of transnational adoption, discussing colonialism in general, white supremacy and last but not least white saviourism. On behalf of Asian Raisins, ARAN and MiGreat, we wish much love and strength to those for whom today is a day of loss in regard to their mother-child bond, caused by transnational adoption
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Leestijd: 2 minuten We fight for an inclusive birthday celebration for every child. What have we achieved so far?
read more >Leestijd: < 1 minuut Do you think you know who first thought of the theory of evolution? Have you ever wondered who created the oldest university in the world? Is Joan of Arc is the only rebel girl who led an army that you’ve heard of?
read more >Leestijd: 6 minuten Growing up between different cultures and experiencing discrimination and racism have an impact on our mental health. Asian Raisins believes that this deserves more attention. For the Storytelling project ‘Asians Speaking Up: Mental Health,’ we asked people from East and Southeast Asian communities about their experiences and how those experiences affected their mental well-being.
read more >Leestijd: 5 minuten If you cross the bustling street of Amsterdam’s Albert Cuypmarkt, you’ll immediately find yourself on the quiet Hemonylaan. The street is brightened by many colourful stencil art murals; with the use of templates, existing images have been painted on the buildings. One of the walls features an ‘Asian’ theme: a vibrant mix of symbols, logos and characters from various East and Southeast Asian countries. However, for many East and Southeast Asian Dutch this wall filled with offensive stereotypes doesn’t brighten up the street at all. Does the artist understand the problem? Asian Raisins spoke with him.
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